By Anonymous - 28/10/2011 15:52 - United States

Today, I was bitched out by my 17 year old son's teacher. It seems the idiot teacher made the kids advocate for his own political beliefs in a presentation, and my son ended his speech saying, "And it remains my opinion that our instructor is cramping my motherfucking style." Instant suspension. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 575
You deserved it 5 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9
sp4ksu_fml 4

well maybe the teacher should lighten up a bit and stop crampin styles...


While I don't condone the teacher's actions (unless he is teaching your kid to be able to argue all sides despite having a different opinion), YDI for raising a kid who cusses in class. We got suspended for that shit too.

Disgusting. You should all be ashamed for glorifying the trashy mom and kid. Idiots!

Dude your kid is a BAMF. Serves that asshole teacher right for trying to indoctrinate his students and stifling their ability to think for themselves. And no, neither the mom or kid are trashy, 198, kids are always swearing at that age, it's not his mom's fault. What's the matter, you never said a dirty word until you were 21?

You raised that child.. :/ Swearing should not be tolerated in schools. But an immediate suspension is weird, why not an afternoon detention? :/

um, a teacher ALWAYS decides the curriculum, if you dont like it, either go **** yourself, take your spawn to a private school, or teach them yourself!

Teachers do not always decide the curriculum. Curriculum is government mandated in most areas of the world.

I don't know what country you live in, but where I am private schools cost a fortune and most parents work for a living and can't teach their own kids. I ******* hate when people try so desperately to sound smart when they're actually the compete opposite -_-

jenes285 1

OMG! Are you kidding me? The teacher challenged the students? Asked them to think outside the box and actually have to research something? LEARN something instead of ignorantly just accepting what they already know instead of trying to look at both sides? I am so sorry! You are right, next time your son should just get credit for showing up and writing his name on top the paper!