By sexisntfun - 30/03/2015 02:13 - United States

Today, I was about to lose my virginity to my girlfriend, with whom I am genuinely in love. Right after I'd got the condom on, she said, "You do know this is break-up sex, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 273
You deserved it 3 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you didnt have sex with her after that, right?

"Yes because obviously I can read your bitchy-ass mind." I'm real sorry, that's ******.


Wish I could thumb you down more than once #17

FYL Man...i can understand how it hurts to listen those words from someone you love..

just get your clothes and leave. you don't need to waste your precious first time on a terrible human being like her

usmc_sean 8
therealjc_fml 14

I figured there would be 20 awesome comments like this right away. Apparently it's not as popular a song as a I thought!

Smart OP using a condom. Hope you saved your V card for someone more deserving. If she's giving you simpathy sex and leaving you, it's possible someone else is in the picture.

I just hope that you know there are still better women out there that won't do such a thing just out of the blue. You deserve someone as faithful as you

Just make the best of it in that situation.

mabs19 8

Screw her! She can't expect you to be able to read her bitchy mind, not just that but you deserve so much better!!!

Wow, I just came back to read the new comments for this FML and I honestly meant #12 :( FML.

Maybe you can change her mind with the great sex that'll ensue.