By funnymanjoe - 14/09/2011 11:06 - United States

Today, I walked into my dorm to find my roommate and his friends using my bass clarinet to smoke weed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 753
You deserved it 5 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a cool way to smoke. I'll have to try it some time haha.

jjoyce6 0

Were they playing it on a high note?


Assholes! You should blow all the resin out on your room mates pillow! :0)

yamatelle 19

That gave me a whole new idea of the things I can do with my flute...

yamatelle 19

And that does NOT include practicing my ******* skills. That shit could land you in the hospital. A harmonica is better at that.

Want another nice idea to use your flute?^^

He must have been layin' down some really smokin' tunes...

steggunekoms 0

I don't see how this is an fml now you don't need to buy an expensive bong!!

trellz17 19
Ironripster 0

bet ur spit thingy is full of good ol resin u should thank them

Any other personal property of yours that they help themselves to?

I play clarinet. That's impossible, unless they completely ruined it. Potheads aren't that stupid.

bnutts 4

Have you played Low E? It's all pads down jus' sayin and yes I've played everything from Eb soprano to Bb Contra Bass.

leadman1989 15

This is music to my ears... Lol lock your stuff, when high people are like a bunch of two year olds.