By funnymanjoe - 14/09/2011 11:06 - United States

Today, I walked into my dorm to find my roommate and his friends using my bass clarinet to smoke weed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 753
You deserved it 5 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a cool way to smoke. I'll have to try it some time haha.

jjoyce6 0

Were they playing it on a high note?


Nice way to blow some smokin' tunes hit the high note one time! Kenny G snorted lines through his

Atleast it will Taste Vetter the Next time you Play it

Report him and his friends. I'm sure your college has a "no drugs" policy. That means a new roommate for you. After that, sue him. Someone has to pay to get that instrument fixed.

It actually is a drug. It's a safe drug, but still, a drug.

I believe was saying that weed is a drug, therefore the campus "no drugs" policy could be useful to get them kicked out of school or at least fined. And actually, marijuana is a drug, but do are tobacco and alcohol, and I personally believe alcohol is a lot more dangerous. You can't die from weed poisoning......

mrbuddy 0

I'm a stoner so that's funny. But I'm a musician too, so that sucks.

does that shit actually work?! dude that is genious

Wow..You should take that to small claims court.Bass Clarinets are definitely not cheap and who knows what damage was done to the inside.