By Anonymous - 14/08/2011 19:32 - United States

Today, I walked in on my mom ranting on about what a useless bitch I am. She was talking to my cat. It's not the first time this has happened, either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 506
You deserved it 3 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bu least she isn't talking about what a pussy you are.


XbambiX 3

well....if its true what are you whining about?!

Maybe if you weren't such a useless bitch, your mom wouldn't do the crack she does to rant on to a cat.

Mr Truffles agrees that you are a bitch

Priscillaaa_fml 1

it's ok I talk to my cat too.

Today, I went to the bathroom at a movie theater after watching a movie, only to listen to a grown man on the pot singing, "Sittin' on the toilet... Sittin' on the toilet...".

cookies124 2