By Anonymous - 14/08/2011 19:32 - United States

Today, I walked in on my mom ranting on about what a useless bitch I am. She was talking to my cat. It's not the first time this has happened, either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 506
You deserved it 3 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bu least she isn't talking about what a pussy you are.


I'll take "Things You're Too Gutless To Speak Up About" for $100, Alex.

srabel10 0

Time for her to visit 'the home'.

Maybe you shouldn't be such a useless bitch then.

Exactly, NO. 41. When I was a kid and lived at home my mom bitched non-stop about what a lazy, useless asshole I was. I did EVERY ******* chore in that house for years while she laid on the sofa and watched TV or slept or worse, dogged me around the house as I was doing all the work, snarling at me that if I thought I was going to get out of doing such-and-such, I was sadly mistaken and don't forget to do this-or-that, stupid. I could only do one chore at a time so if I was, say, washing the dishes, she'd be on my back screaming that I'd better not forget to dust. Then as I was dusting, she'd bitch at me that this wouldn't get me out of running the vac. Then as I was running the vac, she'd scream at me that the bathroom was filthy. And so on. When she had her friends over they marveled at how clean our house was and what a whiz my mom was for being able to 'do it all.' She'd claim she was just really organized and smart. She never once told them I so much as lifted a finger, much less that I was doing it all.

Rant much 99? What was the point of that? All I can say is grow up. Your mom was a bitch, just like the rest of our moms. Get over it, or get your own FML post.

nunu94 0

so i got the car stuck in a mudslide and went no where but down ! fMl

nunu94 0

so i got the car stuck in a mudslide and went no where but down ! fMl

What a sweet person you are, No. 100. I'll remember that the next time my jaw aches from the time she shoved my face into the wall. Gee, I should just grow up and forgive her! FYI, 'grow up' is typical of what assfucks say to abuse survivors. One of the myriad of problems facing abuse survivors is that people who did not survive abuse don't give a **** and want us to all commit suicide so they don't have to hear that abuse exists. On behalf of abuse survivors worldwide, thank you SO MUCH for being part of the problem. We truly appreciate your asshole, nasty comments since they encourage other victims in desperate need of help to not seek it since they will surely be screamed at to shut the **** up and grow up. Know that somewhere in the world an abuse victim read your snide remark and was deterred from coming forward. Since you are a selfish retard and can't figure out the point of my 'rant' I will explain it to you, you miserable ************. The point is that sometimes mothers pull that crap and they are full of shit. They claim their daughters are lazy bitches when in fact they are the lazy bitches themselves. My childhood is a clear demonstration of this phenomenon since I did every last lick of work in that house while she followed me around screaming "LAZY" at me and claimed my work as her own to others. Hence, the OP's mother's assertion to the family cat that the OP was a lazy bitch was not necessarily an accurate description of the OP and in fact I would bet that the OP in not a lazy bitch. The mother is assigning her own flaw to the OP. Get it now?

delfino1604 24

the cat agrees, it told me :D

ShadeOfWar 0

I bet her mom's going to be a cat lady. xP