By Notaplacetogo - 17/02/2013 06:45 - United States - Walnut Creek

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend taking pictures of his penis in a condom. When I asked him what the hell he was doing he told me that he was making a stop-motion film called "All Dressed Up with Nowhere to go." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 659
You deserved it 10 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give him somewhere to go then. Turn it into a live action film.

Look at the poor little fella. All dressed up, bursting out of his skin with excitement but then his buddy stood him up. Keep tissues nearby, this movie will be a real tear jerker (no pun intended).


stewpididiot 11

Did you get to see the serial number ???

Satoaoi 13

that's something you don't see every day lol

after that, the question becomes did you help him find a place for his wang to go?

His phone didn't have a video recorder on it. Lame.

Why this man is single is beyond me! XD

Oops seems like I had a brain malfunction when I wrote my comment. My bad!