By shiftybizniss - 16/04/2009 18:43 - Canada

Today, I tried to sneak up on my girlfriend who was sitting in her car with one of her girlfriends. I snuck up to the driver's side window and tried to startle her by banging on the window. The window was down. My thumb went right in her eye. She has to wear a patch for 2 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 185
You deserved it 69 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sodawater19 0

how do you not see the window is down? thats more of an FHL for having to wear an eye patch

She should poke you in both eyes just for being stupid :[.


your so dumb it aint even funny, lmao.

jdb2009 0

You dumb ******* jackass. I hope that she's both: 1) hot as hell and 2) looking around for someone else to date. You deserved that one...what ever misfortune "that one" is.

cucuto89 0

why were you trying bang a window with your thumbs turned out?

AntiChrist7 0

hope she dumped your stupid ass

awesome, your girlfriends a pirate (Y)

no 26. you have made my day with that song...

OKAY, no one spotted this, but HOW DOES YOUR THUMB GO INTO HER EYE? I mean, if how do you do the banging action with your hands. Normally your thumb would be pointing towards you. And if you were banging hard enough that she had to wear an eye patch, that would have like, broke the window if it was up.

please try to pay more attention as you go about your business- for everyone else's sake. If you didn't see that, lord only knows what else you don't see, like when you're driving around other cars, or holding sharp instruments.

I hope this is made up, but somehow I have a feeling it's not, and it makes me despair for humanity. However, wearing an eye patch is awesome if it makes you look like a pirate.