By lifedamntough - 28/06/2009 11:49 - Singapore

Today, I took a shower after I finished typing an important essay I've been working on for days. My computer illiterate mum shut the computer down when I was gone, without saving a thing. When I confronted her, she yelled at me for "wasting electricity". FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 182
You deserved it 64 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

114tigers 0

Dude you should always save your shit before you leave the computer. Trust me.

if it was that important, YDI for not having the common sense to save it.


Manny_B92 0

you moderated it and you let it through??? As it is a computer, and she didn't save, then that implies she didn't turn it off a single time. If she hadn't turned it off for days, why would her mother turn it off after she had left the room for a few minutes. Why not hours, or days before hand? Also, Autosave would have saved it at least once every 10 minutes. How could she possibly have been typing it for days on end, without a single saved copy. When she boots the computer back up, is it there? No, of course not, as it closes everything when you shut it down. Unless you are completely computer literate, and know how to prevent it doing this, then you have no chance. As she didn't save once, I'm guessing she's plain computer retarded. How can you let such a rubbish FML through the system? Blatent lie. Remember this if you are making a fake FML. People are actually knowledgeable on the subject you may be typing about. Don't type stupid things where people can rip holes in them left, right and centre. Humanity never fails to disappoint me...

tigerrr 0

ummm you sound like the computer illiterate one. you didn't save once? thats just plain stupid. YDI

I agree. that's just stupid. i save at least every 5 minutes. and even if i didn't, i definetly save if im done! that doesn't even make sense. you are either really stupid or...well theres really no other explanation. ydi

I call BS. If you've literally been working for days, and know anything about computers, you would have a saved draft. Plus every word processor program I'm familiar with (even the free ones) autosaves every 5 minutes or so. So IF this is a real story, then you're an idiot for not saving days of work, disabling the default autosave option.

nanoflacka 0

Next time save it b4 u walk off

w0nderingman 0

hahaha. i would say partially YDI. but as I was reading it, I was thinking "sounds like an asian mother," and then I saw you were from singapore. lol

ive never heard of autosave....ive never had a computer that did that and ive had several different kinds of computers and word systems...

Fml messed up and posted a comment that I wrote to the guy below to this comment instead. Please give this comment a ton of thumbs downs so it gets buried. kthx

kellster 2

Well, do you have any idea how much electricity computers use? Do you pay the electricity bill? Probably not if you're living with your mom! Next time, just save it and turn it off! You don't need a computer on while you're showering!

Psst, do *you* know how much it costs to keep a computer on? Hint: it's a lot less than a regular television set does. Heck, an Xbox takes about 4 times more power to run than a computer. Try to know facts before you try to act smart. Comuters are VERY energy efficient. Why else do you think a 7200 mAH battery can support a computer for FIVE freaking hours? iron would run through that in about half an hour (just a wild estimation, but you get the idea).

omgznoes 0

My mothers done that while ive been downloading stuff a billion times it sucks