By lifedamntough - 28/06/2009 11:49 - Singapore

Today, I took a shower after I finished typing an important essay I've been working on for days. My computer illiterate mum shut the computer down when I was gone, without saving a thing. When I confronted her, she yelled at me for "wasting electricity". FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 182
You deserved it 64 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

114tigers 0

Dude you should always save your shit before you leave the computer. Trust me.

if it was that important, YDI for not having the common sense to save it.


CherishFlowers 0

Wow YDI. I save any paper periodically. It's not that hard.

iSmellNice 2

If you know you mom is "computer illiterate" then why would you leave the computer alone, free to be used by anyone?

mehwhateverr 0

Why didn't YOU save it? Why expect your mom to do it? YDI.

ClosetCelt 6

I still don't think that was fair. If your mother saw the esay on the computer, she should have at least checked to save it. It's just good-mom-nature. But still, yeah, you should have saved it.

kiit23 0

While its okay to be pissed at your mom for shutting down the computer, especially considering it really doesn't save much energy if it was only off while you were in the shower... but still. Save your stuff. You really should know better.

sweetxxdreams 0

you worked on it for days without saving at all?!

it doesn't qualify as an FML if you're not smart enough to hit control + s, over the course of "days", once. your mom may be illiterate, but you're an idiot.

Who writes a whole paper then leaves in unattended and unsaved? That's stupid.

Even if you really don't have anything saved, you should still remember most of the essay and the main points of it. From there, you can expand on those and you should start to remember the finer details. I mean, you were working on this for DAYS, right? If that's true, then most of the essay should be burned into your mind, since you've been thinking about it for so long.

hannaaeneas 0

The only computer illiterate one is you. Save your work. Tool.