By new name - 06/11/2012 22:03 - United States - Storrs Mansfield

Today, I told my family that I wanted to change my last name to my future wife's. We want to have the same last name, and we chose hers because she is an only child, while I have three brothers. Half of my family is laughing and calling me "pussy whipped" while the other half won't speak to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 335
You deserved it 16 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't listen to them, that is an amazing thing to do and maybe even the perfect way to start a wonderful new life :) congratulations.

It doesn't make you whipped. That's the cutest thing ever.


Your family are idiots and it's also not "the cutest thing ever" hearing that about my own relationships with other guys it's like being told "my relationship is real your's is cute in that you think it is" Good for you The logic is sound you want the same last name and you have brothers to carry on your family name if you don't do it this way then her family name dies with her. It's admirable what you are doing I commend you. People need to get over themselves. My step sister and her decidedly non asian husband, hint she isn't asian either, took a Japanese surname when they got married and no one gave them static about it.

OP don"t listen to them ,you're a great guy

that is a wonderful thing you're doing for your new wife, enabling her to continue her family name. very kind and thoughtful. don't let others make you feel bad or ashamed of for being gracious enough to do something that a lot of people are too short sighted to even consider doing for someone they love.

ReesesCups95 8

Why not make the babys name a little long & use both?

Don't listen to them. I like your decision. I might take my significant other's last name because mine is hard to pronounce and spell.

Haha that's hilarious just go traditionally and change her name to yours

I disagree with your reasoning but not necessarily with taking your wife's name. If your last name is Terwilliger and hers is Kickass, change it!

Looks like some ties need to be cut. There is nothing wrong with that at all. If they can't be a family and support you, they need to leave and not let the door hit them on the ass on the way out of your life.