By ehwat - 26/11/2009 05:31 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend that since I lost my job I can't afford a Christmas present for him, or anyone. He said trying anal would be fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 882
You deserved it 12 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Reiterate that you have no money. You just can't afford to hire a guy to pack his fudge.


Collinscap20 6

Well let me try it on you ????

I say if you want to try go ahead, but if you don't just tell him no. if he really cares about you he wont pressure you onto it anymore. I've been with an ass hole that didn't respect me about anal after I had been raped analy. Like I said if you don't want to and he cares he won't pressure it anymore.

he did say "try" just try it out and if it's too uncomfortable, then stop. It is your anus so you have a right to stop if you want to.

Well if he wants it, just be gentle with his ass