By ehwat - 26/11/2009 05:31 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend that since I lost my job I can't afford a Christmas present for him, or anyone. He said trying anal would be fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 882
You deserved it 12 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Reiterate that you have no money. You just can't afford to hire a guy to pack his fudge.


kyliebeatriz08 0

don't just do it cuz he's asking you. what an ass ur boyfriend. l said dump him and for all the idiots that said do it let see how will they feel with a dick on their asses.... don't do it

lyndis_fml 0

I say do it. I know exactly how I feel with a dick in my ass: good. Don't try to judge something you've got no experience with. That's like saying, "Pizza? I HATE pizza!" me: "when have you had pizza?" you: "Never, but it's disgusting and I shall never try it."

Chocolate_Chunk 2

lyndis: ever tried eating poop? ;) but yeah, anal is great

agentibe 0

That's great for you and anyone else who wants shit on their dick.

fckinbowdown 0

Myntee I think I'm in love with you ;)

G_thelegend 0

i dont see the difference, why is anal so special?

jonmarrero17 0

its up to you. if you wanna do it, then go for it! if not, then dont. you dont have to feel pressured about it.

I recommend you to do it. Its not that bad although it might seem gross.

Collinscap20 6

Well let me try it on you ????