By veggiepower11028 - 31/05/2011 12:02

Today, I told my boyfriend that I love him. He responded with, "That's nice. You know what I love? Chicken wings. Let's go get some." Apparently, he doesn't remember I'm a vegetarian either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 852
You deserved it 8 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HyundaiOwner7 0


first of all, chicken wings are delicious. second, he couldve lied to you and just said it. then your fml would read: today my bf told me he loved me, he lied fml. at least you know that when/if he says it, he'll mean it. and yeah being a vegitarian would suck so fyl afterall, lol jk.

mbrooks5110 0

Ya know what... Self-esteem get some. Dump this loser don't tell him u love him...

iPhilosophy 0

lmao at scrubs failed attempt to sound intelligent

kg163401 0

some vegetarians eat chicken

monnanon 13

Then they are not vegetarians.

I remember I used to know a guy who called himself a "polo-vegitarian" or something similar along those lines. He would tell us he only ate white meat, not red meat or fish. We all mocked him constantly for not being a "real" vegatarian. Not because we actually cared. We just were teenagers and enjoyed mocking people.

Seems to me that he didn't mean that you should go and eat the wings with him, more like you should go along to accompany him while he eats the chicken wings all by himself. I'm sure there are other foods at that place other than chicken wings that you can eat. Other than that, maybe you telling him that you love him really threw him off and put him on the spot, so he tried to find a way to quickly change the subject.

a_nutritionist 10

"i love you" "cool, you can watch me eat some chicken" yeah, it doesnt make him look any less like a tool

JakkRabbit 0

time for a new boyfriend lol

How can you tell someone is a vegetarian?… They will tell you without being asked.

Omggggggg!!!!! You're so hilarious!!!!!! I've never even heard that before!!!!!!!!!!!