By veggiepower11028 - 31/05/2011 12:02

Today, I told my boyfriend that I love him. He responded with, "That's nice. You know what I love? Chicken wings. Let's go get some." Apparently, he doesn't remember I'm a vegetarian either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 852
You deserved it 8 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HyundaiOwner7 0


Maybe he's just tired of your whiny, chauvinistic, vegetarian ways and just doesn't care...?

Whiny? Chauvinistic? Please explain how you figured OP is either of these things.

a_nutritionist 10

because he eats meat and anyone who doesnt do what he does is wrong. thats also why he thinks people who have sex are *****.

shannon6 3

Agreed. Seems like he's only in it for the sex and has no interest whatsoever in OP as a person. Leave him alone with his bucket of chicken and run the other way!

then can i have your share. i love e chicken wings

toxicmurder109 4

he doesn't seem to care so dump him

The way to a mans heart is thru his stomach! Man have simple needs Food, Sex and Sleep.( I try to combine the three ) He's not forcing you to eat chicken, don't force him to eat green peas!

Where in this FML does it say she was forcing him to eat green peas? Also I think it's pretty offensive to men to simplify a man's needs down to just three things. Most men are a bit more complex than that.

missL1z 5

Just because OP is vegetarian she shouldn't feel offended by her bf wanting chicken wings. If she wants to be respected she should respect the fact her boyfriend eats meat.

a_nutritionist 10

comprehension isnt your thing is it?

YDI for saying "I love you" first. Always wait for the guy to say it.