By kaileigh10 - 18/05/2011 03:04

Today, I threw a surprise birthday party for my 3 year old. There was music, snacks and lots of toys. My 3 year old is a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 044
You deserved it 50 593

kaileigh10 tells us more.

I agree! How is a baby going to change my life. that was a stupid suggestion.


nani11 0

hahahahahahaha!! ur kidding right?..

I guess you can now tell everyone that this party was certainly the (the cat's meow) -Bad Pun Man

LukeNukem_fml 3

my stomach literally dropped when I read that. I feel sorry for you. get out more.

Says the guy who clearly hasn't much of a grasp over the English language...

I'm sure the cat had a great time...