By bertthelamb - 17/02/2009 17:05 - United States

Today, I spent $20 on a spray tan, $30 to have my make up done, and $50 on a pretty new dress all for a special date with my boyfriend. It turns out I spent $100 just to get dumped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 050
You deserved it 8 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zachattack 0

That's what happens when you look orange.

Its life baby, don't worry. If you stayed with this lump you would miss out on Mr. right. Get your self back together and live that wonderful life of yours.


endless_text 0

Most of the people who've commented on this FML are total assholes. No one has any right to say a girl deserves to be dumped for making an effort with her appearence. OP, I hope you find a better boyfriend.

Triccmo 0

Yikes! Priceless. At least yours didn't move out and take all the furnature while you were at work. He was supposed to pick me up. I waited for an hour, then walked home and freaked out, thinking we were robbed. At least he couldn't fit the bed into the moving van. I cried into the bare mattress all night. Good times. You live and learn, I suppose. Sorry, girl!

b4sk3tb4ll 0

that sucks. But I'm sure u can do better than his sorry ass.

poopinmyshoe 0

U ugly filthy *****. Go rape your cat.

reddilocks 0

WTF #53... it hurts to get dumped. why would you even say that?

I love the evenness of the prices!! Mr. Monk would be proud of you! :D jk. I know you were just generalizing the prices.

sparxva 12

So what? You look nice now, go find another.

responses 0

I find it hard to believe her total came out to EXACTLY $100. Unless she lives in a country with no sales tax in which case i'm moving.

Origami86 6

I think the moral of the story is pretty obvious seeing several girls whining about how much they spend just to go on a date. Did you ever consider that you don't need to fake tan or put make up for a guy to like you ? Personally, if I like a girl then I like her no matter what. She doesn't need superficial crap to prove her beauty. And I thought it's the inside that counts. Or so you females claim. So moral of the story: Pull your heads out of your asses and smell the grass. Adieu.