By ambrosia - 16/08/2019 00:01

Today, I saw my boyfriend cutting the crusts off his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He’s 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 667
You deserved it 1 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, how he eats his food isn’t your problem. There’s no “extra vitamins” in the crust, if he doesn’t like it’s his choice to make his food enjoyable, and it’s not hurting you.

Thats a bad thing? I do that and i’m 28. Nothing beneficial about the crust other than the taste.


jenn723 2

I do that and I'm 28, never liked the bread crust.

CoriCat 25

Some people don’t like the crust. What’s wrong with that? The taste of crust can be too much. Especially if it’s a thick crust

If that's what you write an FML Scott, I don't want to know what other things you judge him over. F his life

damn, should i stop doing that too lol? i know quite a lot who do this on a daily basis though

yea... that's literally just food. there's nothing wrong

I think your cheating on him and looking for excuses to justify your duplicity.

I'm not really sure how this would affect you.....

mccuish 25

And? Depending on the bread, the crust isn’t that good. I cut mine off and feed it to my dog while I eat my sandwich. He loves when crust ends up in his bowl.

Clovis 2