By maddiecat - 08/01/2013 05:34 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, I saw Les Misérables. I was singing along to one of the songs when the guy next to me dumped his soda over my head and told me to shut up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 414
You deserved it 100 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iarefatal 9

You must have sounded miserable

people go to shows to watch and listen to them, now listen to other people drowning it out with their singing, YDI


not only would I have dowsed you in my drink but id have also finished off with covering you with popcorn... id have gone above and beyond the call of duty. you dont pay like £10 for you cinema experience to be ruined by someone else's annoying singing, not that id have gone to see "said" film. in my opinion you totally deserve it.

GummyGidget 2

Yes the singing would get annoying, but the guy should've just told you to stop not pouring a drink.. That's a little bit too far.

Want to sing along? Go to a damn concert. You deserve every ounce of soda you got.

His reaction was a bit extreme, but you would have pissed me off too. I hate it when people talk at the cinema, let alone sing, especially if I go see a musical. It means that I am clearly looking forward to the singing part, so I would not have been happy to have it ruined by a singer-wannabe. Live and learn.

i see this at the movies and theater all the time now. you are not at home in front of the TV. show some respect. the guy was a douche for dumping the soda, no question, but please STFU

tj5810 21

Sounds to me like you made it 'more' miserable. Pipe it down, OP!

FYL Les Missrables is an awesome show and all the songs are so catchy it's hard not to sing along. But if you were singing loud enough for the guy behind you to hear, it was probably a little much

I don't understand why so many people have voted You Deserved It on this one. Sure, I would've been annoyed too had I been sitting next to you, but still... dumping a soda over someone's head? That's just a dick move. What ever happened to just asking you to stop?

AplJax3 2

There's a good chance that OP was asked more than once to stop, probably by more than just the guy who dumped soda on their head.

perdix 29

As I see it, you owe the guy a soda. Even if you are a better singer than Amanda Seyfried, no one paid to hear you. Think of the people around you, you selfish dunce, and shut the **** up!

AplJax3 2

I got to see Les Miserables on Sunday, but unfortunately did not get to hear any of the songs because of the two women sitting behind me, singing along. Had I had a drink, I would have dumped it in on their heads. You go to the movies to see and hear the show, not the people around you.