By in_side_out - 14/01/2010 11:26 - Australia

Today, I received an email saying that the present I ordered for my girlfriend's birthday will be a week late, which makes it a week late for her birthday. I sat down and said we needed to talk, she burst into tears and apologised for 'sleeping with him,' I just wanted to tell her it would be late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 528
You deserved it 2 875

Same thing different taste


Bullshit. Eyes wander equally between genders.

really? make her feel worthy for being a ***** and cheating on him? ******* feminist.

The worst part about this is that she wasn't sorry she cheated - She's sorry she got caught.

Nic_hole 0

:( aww that's extremely horible :(

that's really wrong of her, but why did you sit her down for a 'we need to talk' talk... that's just dumb..

Considering that if he hadn't she may have never told him I would say he was lucky that he did it that way.

I thought we were supposed to love people by there personality, not looks? -.-

oooh..... dude thats awful I'm sorry about that