By Sexless4Life - 05/08/2013 18:33 - United States - Cincinnati

Today, I realized that it's been well over a month since my boyfriend has even tried to have sex with me. The last time was our first time, and because he couldn't keep it up, he's too humiliated to accept any of my advances. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 898
You deserved it 6 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

Talk to him, and try to find ways to spice it up.


That's a stiff penalty to have to pay, OP! It must be hard to erect a defense to head off your BF's limp dick response to his self-abusive penilety for flaccid non-performance!!

alishous 8

Normally I'd say " wow that was punny" But that wasn't punny at all.

Definitely i found it to be just disrespectful and arrogant.

Anxiety can cause that especially since was you two's first time doing it. Just reassure him and remind him to relax about it a bit.

Tell him that if he can't get it up you're leaving him. Nothing like putting a guy on the spot with major pressure to fix the issues. This sarcastic remark brought to you by Zebediabolical Heavy Industries.

there are ways to raise his self-esteem. take this as an opportunity to strengthen your relationship by supporting him. the results could surprise you.

he needs to grow a pair! we all **** up, get over it

XPredatorX 5

I couldn't keep it up my first time either, or the second time for that matter. I was just nervous and it got to me (plus my girl was a virgin too, so I wasn't excited about hurting her). But the third time was the charm and we had no problems ever again. I think it probably happens to 90% of guys their first time. Just tell him its normal, but it won't get better if he doesn't try again.