By Rae - 30/07/2009 13:56 - United States

Today, I picked up my daughter from the day care but before we left, the babysitter needed to have a talk with me. To fill you in, I got a brand new prius yesterday. Apparently my daughter told eveyone that her mommy got a new penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 445
You deserved it 4 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments


czarofandronia 0

and that's y u should buy American xD

You realize that no car is made in the U.S., they are just assembled there. All the parts are made in other countries.

YouHaveFailed 0
dinosaysrawrz 0
terranada 3

ydi cuz ur daughter knows th wrd penis

tht sucks.... maybe you shouldnt tell or talk stuff around your daughter... xD lol

people who work at daycares' are not babysitters! They are teachers.

state-run daycares have teachers... home-run daycares (the kind i used to go to) were babysitters. get your facts right.

hahaha that's great! high five for your daughter! and oh my gosh people if you say them both out loud they do sound alike.

LOL "want to take a ride on my mommy's new penis?"

that's what you get for having a prius