By Anonymous - 12/03/2010 16:55 - United States

Today, I met my boyfriend's parents. I hope my charm and smile was enough for them to forgive me for not wearing pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 987
You deserved it 31 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiropon 0

I think it's because the parents walked in on them having sex. o3o

I'm guessing you weren't planning on meeting them today, hence the lack of pants, aye?


tease 0

hehe... slow you saying? do they ever think!?- I guess they do not believe it is even possible :$

Wth?? Why is your pants off in the first place??

EmilieCrazy 0

Wow, some of yall are just really stupid. Its veyr obvious why she wasent wearing pants. her and her boyfriend were having sex or something of that nature and his parents walked in. Duh. lol

bossiercitybeast 0

How the hell do we know any of this shit is true and how do u not wear pants

pyrodude185 0
bossiercitybeast 0

really how the hell do u not wear pants

Charm and no pants belong in the same basket, so I wouldn't expect it.

perdix 29

If you have a pretty ******, I'm sure Dad likes you. Mom could be a tougher sell unless she's bisexual, bi-curious or a closeted lesbian. If you have a Wolf Pussy, you're screwed.

awhoooooooo I loves me some wolf tang!

perdix i made an fml account just to say this... i love you... you silly bitch lol your comments are funnier than the FML's

saywaturcoco 0

@96 u a hooker or something?

raineydayes 0

Uh no 218. He's just someone who thinks Perdix is funny. And he's right. Some of the people on thie site are better than the FMLs.