By Anonymous - 12/03/2010 16:55 - United States

Today, I met my boyfriend's parents. I hope my charm and smile was enough for them to forgive me for not wearing pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 987
You deserved it 31 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiropon 0

I think it's because the parents walked in on them having sex. o3o

I'm guessing you weren't planning on meeting them today, hence the lack of pants, aye?


your charm and smile... pretty self-centered now are we?

Miss_gord 0

and whyy weren't you wearing pants??....

Do you mean they think a woman should be wearing pants, butskirts, or do you mean not wearing pants as in... you know... getting it on and they walk in?

did you wear anything else then??? were you budd naked or something?? i dont get it... (agree with #136)

raineydayes 0

Mii's do have legs! Do you play the Wii?...

robinsn 0

SHE WAS HAVING SEX. You people are such idiots.

how do u forget PANTS??? that's just plain...interesting...weird...or not normal!

biebette16 0

I think his dad was happy ;)