By Anonymous - 24/01/2013 00:17 - United Kingdom - Canterbury

Today, I made my first snowman ever, and then cried when my big brother kicked it to pieces. I'm 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 052
You deserved it 10 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those things are a lot of work. Personally I would be distraught if that happened to me.


gurly98 13

That's understandable. I live in Nevada. The first time I've been in the snow was literally a month ago for winter break

fuggotmuggot 14

Anyone else find it ironic how he is 27 and there are 27 thousand i agree your life sucks

Did you name it? If you did that explains the crying.

The real question is, why did you brother, who is older than 27, kick a snowman?

Steve_Dudley_UK 10

You may be 27 but your older brother is still only 6 and still the nasty little boy you know from childhood.

First snowman at 27?!?!? DID YOU EVER HAVE A CHILDHOOD!?!?!?

I'd probably be upset too. Knock his down.