By Anonymous - 24/01/2013 00:17 - United Kingdom - Canterbury

Today, I made my first snowman ever, and then cried when my big brother kicked it to pieces. I'm 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 052
You deserved it 10 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those things are a lot of work. Personally I would be distraught if that happened to me.


Everyone saying that OP had no childhood, perhaps they lived in a hotter country where there was no snow and was therefore unable to build one? Stop assuming things -_- :)

If he watched the Dr Who Snowman episode he might've been trying to save the world....

I think what's most sad about this FML is that you didn't make a snowman until you were 27. You were simply proud of it, so you cried. I sure would have.

Your turn to kick down something of his.... Any ideas!?!?

Don't be ashamed, it's an emotional thing

You most probably live at home and play TV games all day as well

why, because he/she never made a snowman? have you considered that maybe OP grew up in a place without snow and just recently moved? i'm from brazil and moved to chicago not too long ago and now i'm just experiencing my first snowfall (and it's not even that much, i've heard). way to judge people in a negative way for no reason whatsoever. maybe you're the one who should turn off your computer.

I feel your pain. All that hard work. Never mind that it was a snowman.

You're never too old to be excited about a snow man. Growing up in Texas where it rarely snows and the snow sticks even less often I always yelled at people for kicking over snowmen.