By brokeasajoke - 11/11/2009 16:13 - United States

Today, I let my dad borrow my car. I found out a few hours later that he has had a suspended license for three years. How did I find out? He got pulled over and arrested. My car was also impounded. I'm a college student barely making it as it is. Guess who can't afford the impound fees? FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 554
You deserved it 3 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

get your dad to pay the impound fees.......

Erindub 0

Do whatever you can to pay them ASAP cause the fees go up by the day and soon you'll lose your car for good. FYL : (


Wait I think I know who can't afford te impound fees, you!

doglover100 28

He should be paying for the impound fee.