By vibratorgirl - 08/03/2009 01:15 - United States

Today, I left my parents house to drive 90 minutes back to college. As I was getting off the exit for my school, I realized I left my bright pink vibrator sitting on my dresser back at home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 093
You deserved it 73 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your dad catches it your F'd. But if your mom catches it she might just hide it for you. hide it in her Vajay-jay

liquidpaper 0

Could be worse. Unless your parents are the freaky religious masturbation-is-a-sin type, in which case FYL.


wrestler_fml 0

damn that sux... shouldnt have used a vibrator, huh? god getting ya

Yea, my mom packed up all my stuff one day and found my "sleeve" with the ****. Fortunately she found it with the younger MILF neighbor. You have to look for he good in any situation.

jl12345 0

are u all retarded? i dont think she was complaining about the 90 min like it was so far to drive in general...just pointing out how far she'd driven before she realized. and im sure many parents go into their kids rms when they arent there, not to snoop but to tidy up or something. obviously an embarrassing situation.


so what at least you are having solo sex then with a partner.

question: if you were driving, how or why did you notice you left it in the first place..? shouldnt you notice those things when your unpacking and not driving? its not like you needed it at that time..

it could've just been one of those random things you think of, it's happened to me before. a couple of times i've been about an hour and a half into a car trip, when i realize i forgot my straightener at home. happens to everyone. To the OP: 90 minutes really is not that far. You could drive that like, ten times a day, or more. I drive 90 minutes every few weeks, spend the day there, then drive home. big whoop. it's not that far. after driving three days to florida, 90 minutes speeds by.

#23, I know I could make it if I really wanted to, but after 5 hours on the road I want to kill myself or someone else. I would never even try a round trip in one day or else I'd be worried that I might actually just run someone off the road when they did something stupid.

spiggle4 0

ooooooooooo man.. i know how that is. fyl

Callyn, been there, done that. Well, the wanted to part. XD Fortunately by 2am the roads clear out for the most part and I get to play "dodge the truck drivers that are nodding off." =P

Ach, I feel your pain. I came back to school after summer vacation in another province and realised after a week that the only place I could have possibly left my vibrator was in the futon I use as a bed now ... there was no possible way it would go unnoticed, because when I'm at school it gets remade as a couch, but my mother never said anything. It just vanished off into the ether. ^^;

pppupu 0

every mom deserves a present when their kid comes to visit.