By vibratorgirl - 08/03/2009 01:15 - United States

Today, I left my parents house to drive 90 minutes back to college. As I was getting off the exit for my school, I realized I left my bright pink vibrator sitting on my dresser back at home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 092
You deserved it 73 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your dad catches it your F'd. But if your mom catches it she might just hide it for you. hide it in her Vajay-jay

liquidpaper 0

Could be worse. Unless your parents are the freaky religious masturbation-is-a-sin type, in which case FYL.


M_U_F_F_I_N918 0
hanners 0

that sucks dudee. but you could just go and get it, it isn't terribly far.

Gaiwa 0

And whats the point? Are your parents go in your room every day or what?

Go back and get it. A ninety minute drive is not a long time. Really.

redhedsaysrawr 18

i love how you say that... you know, GAS matters... stupid rich people...

why did you take it back home with you in the first place?

maybe it was Christmas break or something...

I don't understand why you needed to bring it along with you. Going a week or two without shouldn't be that difficult. Jeez.

How did you notice? I'm kinda scared...

LadyEmi 15

Uhm...good luck with that. Hope your parents aren't the type to shun you for masturbating. >.