By siannacasey - 03/07/2011 20:53 - United States

Today, I left my bedroom window open to let in some fresh air while I slept. A skunk got in and sprayed my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 377
You deserved it 8 668

Same thing different taste


proski 0
epicfmylife123 0

skunks???!!!!??!?! f&$k skunks lol :p

Ew. And I don't suppose it'd be easy to give your bedroom a tomato bath. Haha.

Pepe Le Pew was just trying to romance you.

xOashleymarie 0

Probably shouldn't leave a window open without a screen overnight...bugs, skunks, birds...anything can get in.

what ever happened to the little things called SCREENS?

i have never seen a window at ground level