By siannacasey - 03/07/2011 20:53 - United States

Today, I left my bedroom window open to let in some fresh air while I slept. A skunk got in and sprayed my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 377
You deserved it 8 668

Same thing different taste


My dad demanded that I leave my door open while I slept, and my cat came in my room and sprayed my desk.

I had one spray in my vents once, stunk up the whole house.

Lol so much for letting the fresh air in.

dianadoll 23

maybe you should turn the fan on next time:)

klovemachine 24

Doesn't matter got skunked :D

supermann13_fml 11

How's that for "fresh air" xD

Skunks can't climb things. Unless your window touches the ground, or there's a way for it to get in the window without climbing, how is that possible?