By siannacasey - 03/07/2011 20:53 - United States

Today, I left my bedroom window open to let in some fresh air while I slept. A skunk got in and sprayed my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 377
You deserved it 8 668

Same thing different taste


Ur parents prolly think u were smoking weed haha

skyeyez9 24

You didn't hear the skunk chewing or ripping the window screen out?

Op didn't say whether or not the window had a screen.

I don't know where you people are from, but you must have some really ****** up weed or some really ****** up skunks over there, cause where I'm from, they don't smell alike. Unless you're just trying to act like you know what pot smells like to be kewl.

maffy4ever 8

Maybe he thought he was helping.

butterflyz1961 2

That's why people have window screens.

foilindo 0

febreze his ass. it'll be a nice payback!!! hahahaha!!!

That0therguy 4

You know, skunks don't just spray for no reason.

bkouch 1

you don't have a screen? dumbass