By Anonymous - 29/05/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I learned to never blast classic rock with your convertible's top down while passing an SUV full of gangbanger wanna-bes. That is, of course, unless you want your immaculate, newly detailed leather seats to be decorated with pretty brown and white milkshake stains. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 788
You deserved it 8 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow assholes. I hate people like that, I hope you got a license yet that probably wouldn't do much.

zmiddz 0

Gangbangers drink milkshakes?


Who the **** listens to music quietly? Anyway, I wonder what makes the OP so sure that it was the music that caused the attack. I guess they also yelled things about it?

FYL big time for actually blasting good music and having your car vandelized

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, damn right, it's better than yours. Also you should have shot them.

first,YDI for not doing anything about it 2nd,they must be some nice gangsters to drink milkshakes ! no one can resist a milkshake ! milkshakes are evil

srscrs 0

"Lolololol you deserve it for blasting music!!!" Um, no he doesn't. It's annoying yes but having property damaged over it does not an equal punishment make. I have ghetto people blast shitty rap music in their cars all the time where work. Maybe I should run up to their cars and kick and key their doors? Makes perfect sense. So what if he played music that annoyed others for a minute? They've just caused permanent damage that costs money to fix. There's no way any of you really think that's equal.

UnitedArabEmirat 0

Ouch! I have never had problems like this, and I blast out Brutal Death Metal music from my car all the time. I guess I am lucky :D

tact_fml 0

Did you get their plate numbers? Hello, you can sue them and make their asses pay to replace your seats.

YDI for blasting any kind of music. Most towns have noise ordinances to prevent this kind of annoyance. The milkshake barrage just seems like some well deserved vigilante justice