By stick - 20/10/2009 16:05 - United States

Today, I learned that if you make fun of a man for walking with a cane, you'd better be ready for him to hit you with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 342
You deserved it 171 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

0515_dw_090084 0

Pretty sure this FML should be this way: Today, this asshole was making fun of me for walking with a cane. so i had to go out of my way to beat his ass with it. A very wasted 5 seconds. FML. karma my friend. ; ]


Everyone who has said YDI are completely right. How could you make fun of a disabled person? Thoughtless and insensitive. Hope you become disabled, and see how much you like people laughing at you!!

i hope you have a really bad bruise.

My ex-marine grandfather owns a cane that is actually a concealed sword. Be glad that you didn't run into him. YDI

shadowskater 0

YDI for making fun of someone with a medical condition. karma bitch

I walk with a cane. I've done exactly what the guy did when idiots like you have made fun of me for it. I completely fail to see why I should feel sorry for you.

terriibabiiix23 0

YDI for making fun of the handicap :/

chickie_wickie41 0

ydi... how could you do something like that?