By fmylife7721 - 03/07/2011 05:51 - Canada

Today, I jokingly told my girlfriend that sperm kills acne, she laughed and said "so that's how you got rid of yours so fast" then continued to text all her friends and tell them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 846
You deserved it 47 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

At least you can start your own business now. Proactiv 2: Ingredients Unknown.


You should have jizzed in her face for that remark!

fanaticdragon 10

You totally had that 'coming'..

smileyysss 0
RavenNight 0

Ever seen even a single pimple on a dick? No? Case closed.

Pimples can show up on a dick, dude. Case down the shitter.

Lol sounds like you have a few of the ignorantly gullible kind of friends that i have. FYL