By Anonymous - 30/08/2010 10:34 - Oman

Today, I injured my knee and dislocated my shoulder fighting over a cookie with my brother. He's 14. I'm 26. He still got the cookie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 383
You deserved it 37 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You, sir, are a wimp. I'm not sure you are ready for solid food -- ask Momma to pop out her titty for you.

u must have really wanted that cookie?!


AshDramatiicsxz 2

LMAAAAAO , u got beat my a 14 year old , FAILLL !!!

bytch69 0

I'm cracking up not that u injured yourself but the big age difference and y'all fighting sounds like me and my sis I'm 33 and she is 25 and my daughter who is 17 and my niece is 3 and they don't get along the 3 year old goes up to her and kicks her lol

imright24 0
anti_average 5

I like how everyone assumes OP's little brother beat him up. Clearly OP is just a clumsyass fighter and did moe damage to himself than his little broher. OP must have balance and dexterity that can only be achieved during a night of binge drinking....or a seizure.

buckinbronco33 0

you're probably a fattie and oversensitive about food. u gave a fight for 3 seconds before become exhausted, he had to beat the crap out of you to get you off of the cookie you were crushing with your enormous weight.