By mareecasellafml - 27/03/2015 09:51 - Australia - Belrose

Today, I handed out 20 resumes to a variety of stores. To my delight, I got a phone call the same day. Unfortunately, they weren't calling about a job, they were informing me on my resume it says, "I have a dick." All thanks to my boyfriend, who thought it would be hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 424
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Proofread. Can never do it too many times.

Make him stand on the side of the road with a big sign that reads 'I messed up my girls resumes and wrote on them that she had a dick. I am the dick'


Yes you have a dick and balls, formerly his. Not they are in a jar in your purse.

GamerPerson 19

Beat his ass. I'm all for jokes, but that's NOT something you mess with. You never mess with someone's livelihood.

That does suck, but that's also priceless XD

alex101676 8

your boyfriend is an asshole. drop him.

That is actually pretty funny, but that sucks

Epickitty58 29

You do have a dick, OP. It's your boyfriend.

OP, your boyfriend's an idiot, but this is completely your fault. If YOU want a job why would you rely on HIM to write your resume? You should be professional enough to put it in your own words (with a healthy dose of critiquing) and proofread the hell out of it.

Or... you know, he could have gone onto the computer and snuck it in there and she didn't notice.

Please do tell what in this post implied that he wrote her resume?

Thank god I wasn't the only one replying to this comment...

Notverycreeative 13