By mareecasellafml - 27/03/2015 09:51 - Australia - Belrose

Today, I handed out 20 resumes to a variety of stores. To my delight, I got a phone call the same day. Unfortunately, they weren't calling about a job, they were informing me on my resume it says, "I have a dick." All thanks to my boyfriend, who thought it would be hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 424
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Proofread. Can never do it too many times.

Make him stand on the side of the road with a big sign that reads 'I messed up my girls resumes and wrote on them that she had a dick. I am the dick'


This is why you always proofread. ALWAYS.

How can some people be so insensitive!

wow, way to have your back and support you in getting a job. well done bf, you're officially a@#$%. best of luck op.

I would punch him in the face. You're supposed to help your partner succeed and progress in life, not hold them back. This was immature but also kind of malicious imo. What is wrong with that asshole?

Seriously though, your boyfriend sounds ridiculously immature and unsupportive. Breaking up just might be a good thing.

Regardless of whether you proofread your resume enough, it was still a terrible thing for him to do. Sabotaging people's job prospects is disgusting and not a joke. Jobs can be really hard to find even if you apply everywhere; luck can play a big enough part, no need to screw up your partner's chances even more! I hope that you can find a job, OP. Best of luck.

Even for people with years of experience it can be pretty rough. The vacancies to job seekers in Australia is about 1:7 on average. Some industries are worse than others. Given that OP was resume dropping I'm guessing this is for job #1 which is harder still. @OP: use Seek and LinkedIn. Even if is is your first job, faster and easier to get applications done. Edit: the job I started 4 months ago had over 200 applicants, just for example :-/

Your boyfriend is an idiot immature moron. And not worth dating. Start again. New resume and new boyfriend.