By mareecasellafml - 27/03/2015 09:51 - Australia - Belrose

Today, I handed out 20 resumes to a variety of stores. To my delight, I got a phone call the same day. Unfortunately, they weren't calling about a job, they were informing me on my resume it says, "I have a dick." All thanks to my boyfriend, who thought it would be hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 424
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Proofread. Can never do it too many times.

Make him stand on the side of the road with a big sign that reads 'I messed up my girls resumes and wrote on them that she had a dick. I am the dick'


I really don't get how people can be this dumb. A little prank, ok. But messing with that persons future? What the **** is wrong with some people? How did he think this would play out? "oh thanks honey for the good laugh. now that I can't get a job anywhere near you're gonna support my lifestyle indefinitely?"

Someone who treats such an important part of your life as a joke, should be kicked to the kerb. There's a time and place for joking about.

He should be ashamed of himself. That prank wasn't even funny!

Yes and sadly you decided to date said dick and call him your boyfriend.

Axel5238 29

Never understood how stuff like this is a prank. Pranks I've always thought are supposed to be harmless, when your "prank" can effect someone's lively hood it's no longer a prank. I would end the relationship someone that's willing to do that and hurt your finical situation is not someone you want to be with.

Honestly that is funny, but that was rude of him to do. Especially when your trying to look for a job

Looks like he'll be paying all the bills for a while

That is incredibly immature and thoughtless. Common sense says that would kill your chances of being successful in a job hunt. It's not funny and I can't understand why someone would want to do that to someone they're supposed to care about. I mean, how old is he? 13? If this is the first incident like this, talk to him. If not, I'd have to move on to someone more grown up.