By biscuit - 07/01/2011 05:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to walk three miles home from work. Both my parents were at home. The reason they wouldn't collect me is apparently because I've "gotten so fat, your grandma cried after she saw you". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 426
You deserved it 25 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so... walking never hurt anyone and by the sounds of things you need the exercise

well, you do need exercise but i dont think what they did is the best solution


The infamous "silent 7" strikes again?

three miles is not that much if it's to much for you then your parents are right. you need exercise and you are fat

summer16 2

truth hurts sometimes I guess Haha

tucansam555 3
yusaku02 20

YDI. 3 miles is only a 20 minute run if you're anything close to being in shape. Sounds like you could use the exercise

Yeah walking doesn't do much. They should've told you to run/jog home.

What a bunch of bastard commenters. You have no compassion. FYLs.

it's not compassion to coddle someone over something most of the rest of us do daily.

Jesus ****... you should be made to walk if you think 4.8km is a great distance!