By biscuit - 07/01/2011 05:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to walk three miles home from work. Both my parents were at home. The reason they wouldn't collect me is apparently because I've "gotten so fat, your grandma cried after she saw you". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 426
You deserved it 25 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so... walking never hurt anyone and by the sounds of things you need the exercise

well, you do need exercise but i dont think what they did is the best solution


hope they made you walk back the next day too. sad you have so little control you need them to step in like that

that's really not tht bad 3 miles isn't tht far

michael666 7

3 miles? your a wimp, get over it, and run more, damn, its not that hard

Shame did you survive ! ? Wow, a full 3 miles, you must be so proud of yourself. Maybe if you got up from your couch and do something, your grandmother might cry less. Get over yourself!

is it weird to anyone else that she refered to herself being collected by her parents, not picked up. Maybe its somethin about where she lives but im guessing she is fat

chris80cent 0

I walk 12 miles a day to the gym and have had 2 ankle surgeries. Also have very bad feet. I'm fine. Suck it up and lose weight...

(Jack from scrubs singing the fatty song)

butterybiscuit 6

I'll bet she is fat and needs to stop being lazy cause let's face it no one likes fat people, and I'll bet your the insecure one trying to feel good about yourself for doin the right thing even though you really just jumped to conclusions, and Amen to this comment I can't stand fat people Howe can they be so lazy to the point of obiesity it's a shame to everyone that knows the person

butterybiscuit 6

You must be anorexic right? Right. Shoulda thought that comment through.