By Today - 07/09/2010 02:26 - United States

Today, I had to play Paper, Rock or Scissors and beat my boyfriend in order to get him to take a shower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 295
You deserved it 6 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments


cassiebear7652 7

it's called rock paper scissors


its rock, paper, sciessers

That is a daily occurrence in my world.

FatMan23 10

You should have tried taking a shower with him ;-)

JPLovesAnimals 4

its rock papers scissors. srry but tht bothered me. lol

imnotahipster 0

its "Rock, paper, scissors" you jerk

lilbeast0327 3

I make my wife do that too, your boyfriend is great

Lainee_09 5

Hahahaha I've actually had to do that!