By :( - 02/03/2010 00:14 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to explain to my 14-year-old sister why one must not wear the same pair of knickers for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 447
You deserved it 2 448

Same thing different taste


You could recommend brown undies. Then no one will ever know....

she's a 14 year old girl, she's probably going to need multicolored underwear white, red, brown...

^^ Is this as crude as I think it is? ^^

arcdiablo 2

are all of you retarded and forgot how English language started! it's called the mayflower where the British came here! so our english is their English just altered through time. so go back to school! you dumb ass muffs! lol

"It's called the Mayflower"! Here I thought it started with a Germanic language colliding with Norse language colliding with tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes colliding with Celts, colliding with Norman Invaders, colliding with the Roman empire. Never mind that pesky Great Vowel Shift; the English language started with the Mayflower! Yes, our English is their English; but, we are colliding with it and it will continue to evolve in mysterious ways. I for one will promote the use of 'dumb ass muffs' as THE insult of choice over the much more common 'fags' and 'douches'.

where did ebonyics english start ? isnt there a pigeon english too. let me guess it started with birds on the deflower.

arcdiablo 2

and op how do you really know she wears the same pair? lol their are people out there that buy the same kind because it's their favorite. so it's possible she doesn't and at age 14 she would know better unless she's got "learning problems" and doesn't know..

@96 that must mean either u hve a lot of underwear or u wash them a lot

Man, ur sis is ******* disgusting. I'm fifteen and I never thought that it was okay to do that. I change underwear EVER SINGLE DAY.

Just don't smack her on the ass coz after a week of farting that would be really nasty back there.

apfluxx: Yeah, thats why I said it depends :) Also, if someone wears the same pair for a week, they are bound to get some kind of infection and it's REALLY gunna stink! abcnonamecba: I have a ridiculous number of underwear. I buy them a lot. I have at least a month's supply. There are some things I obsessively collect. Underwear is one example. I also hoard lotions, Q-tips, and socks. I think I have 3 weeks worth of socks, lol. Again, I'm a little weird. Im sure part of it is my ADHD. People with ADHD have OCD tendencies.

All girls have dried 'discharge' in their underpants. Any girls who claim otherwise are lying. I would say 'or incredibly dry, hurhur', but no. ALL girls have discharge. It's the vaginas way of cleaning itself. And just blech. My 15 year old sister does that, too. She'd also not bathe for a week and just straighten her hair every day. It was so gross. It wasn't the parenting, either. Both my ten year old sister and myself bathe every or every other day, and also change our underwear every day. So, yay ****** leakage!

OH GOD THIS! 'The ****** is self-cleaning' is something we're taught in year 11 biology! Just because it doesn't smell like cheese (indicating a problem) it doesn't mean that the ****** is not discharging. Why not go the full hog and say that your skin doesn't produce oils?!

this why i only eat shaved pussy after its had a nice hot shower.

yuhhkno 0

im2good25 ima girl wit a g string

mr_miyagi 0