By blehh - 14/04/2009 20:40 - United States

Today, I had horrible pains in my stomach area so I went to the doctors. They couldn't find anything wrong and sent me to the Emergency Room for X-rays. After spending the entire day in the hospital, they tell me I'm slightly constipated. I had to pay $400 to find out I had to take a shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 288
You deserved it 54 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's your fault. Wouldn't you know that you are constipated?


Jack_Of_Spades 0

Alot of crokked hospitals and doctors out there... they probably needed to get an easy way to pay for a $400 golf day

umm that happened to me once, as well...rather embarrassing :)

you're a baby YDI and eat vegetables or cereal on a daily basis

need better coverage eats lots of albran

hahahahaha! thats an awesome line : "i had 2 pay $400 2 find out i had 2 take a shit"

I agree with #42, why are we Americans such ridiculous hypochondriacs? I can't believe how many people go to the hospital when they just have the common cold. Normally I'm on the side defending the OP getting flamed, but YDI for not being able to handle what was probably a few hours of abdominal pain that people get all the time when they're constipated. Unless maybe you had a relative die of some GI disease and you were freaked you had it too or something, but if you had a real reason you wouldn't have posted it on FML.

and I'm saying that because it was for less than a day - if it were persistent then you had every right to go see a doctor.

create_fml 0

nah, **** that, you did the right thing... last may i didn't go to the hospital for 5 days because i thought i was just constipated... turns out i had appendicitis, i lost 8 inches of my colon and i had spend a week in the hospital and missed 2 weeks of work

i agree with #146. you were lucky that was all it was it could have been something way worse, like an abdominal aortic aneurysm, you got lucky really but i still say or life is ****** for such a high bill get some health insurance, i mean seriously

eagles666 0

****** a #146 happened to me too