By blehh - 14/04/2009 20:40 - United States

Today, I had horrible pains in my stomach area so I went to the doctors. They couldn't find anything wrong and sent me to the Emergency Room for X-rays. After spending the entire day in the hospital, they tell me I'm slightly constipated. I had to pay $400 to find out I had to take a shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 288
You deserved it 54 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's your fault. Wouldn't you know that you are constipated?


LMAO I had the SAME EXACT thing happen to me the other week! I went to the nurse, was wound up being sent home and before I got home, I took a dunce. All my problems were cleared after that dunce.

Eh, it's kinda worth it in the end. The 400 sucks but I got constipated for two weeks and the doctors did nothing. Since then i've had to take medicine to fix it and now i have a ****** up stomach. It's less ****** up but i still have to take fiber, too.

theshewolf 0

That is why, even if I'm rolling around on the floor in agony and can't get up because of the pain, I wait it out before going to the doctors. If it's better in a few hours and doesn't come back, it probably wasn't important.

"Horrible" pains from constipation? How long had it been? Seems unlikely; you should get a second opinion...from a lawyer.

Would you prefer to have spent $400 to find out you have incurable cancer?

You are an idiot, BUT thats still messed up... I'm pretty sure doctors cant just run useless tests before rulling out the obvious.

lindy21625 0

wow, this has happened to me before. i spent the whole night in the hospital and puked all over the x-ray technician, and had iv's stuck up my arms all for them to tell me i was constipated. it was embarrassing

fmlmymiddlename 0

sucks you dont have free healthcare hahaha