By blehh - 14/04/2009 20:40 - United States

Today, I had horrible pains in my stomach area so I went to the doctors. They couldn't find anything wrong and sent me to the Emergency Room for X-rays. After spending the entire day in the hospital, they tell me I'm slightly constipated. I had to pay $400 to find out I had to take a shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 288
You deserved it 54 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's your fault. Wouldn't you know that you are constipated?


iEnjoy3_14 0

Your fault for being a pussy. You should've though..."I haven't shit in a few days, maybe I should try that!"

@ #15 the avrg waiting time in canada is 1 hours to 1 and 1/2 hours sooo wtf are you talking about if you spread out health cars costs it liek 10 000$ per person per year on avrage and in canada its liek 5000$ soo canada ftw lol on another note i always wait 1 night b for going in to the doctors although they say constipation is one of the worst pains you can feel i ALWAYS try to take a shit first lol ydi lmao

Killrot 5

hmm...sounds like my ex! lmao!

#118 - nothing i've said is different than anything any non american has said... hypochondriac + privatized health care = more money for doctors for no good reason

at least you didn't get sent home with the diagnosis of constipation causing pressure on nerves, then to end up back in the ER two days later only to find out the idiot night time nurses completely missed a huge ****** hematoma and partial dislocation; the REAL cause of the excruciating pain.

plasticxstarsx 0

THIS HAPPENED TO ME and to all the people who said "wouldnt you know if you were" no you wouldnt sometimes because its a shooting pain right by your at first you are like HOLY CRAP MY APPENDIX. it didn't happen to you, so dont judge

@89 - Ever heard of appendicitis? When your appendix, an ORGAN, becomes inflamed and often RUPTURES very quickly, preceded and accompanied by horrific abdominal pain? Holy sh*t, stop the presses. @37 - I too went to the hospital and was told it was *just* constipation. Here I am quite a while later after continuing to experience these and other symptoms and I only just got around to going to GI doctor. He felt it was likely either Crohn's, Celiac Sprue (a gluten intolerance), or Irritable Bowel Syndrome - all serious conditions I should not have put off diagnosing as long as I did - at the root of my digestive problems. It wound up being IBS coupled with a bacteria imbalance and a hernia. Whee! So, all of you other folks with similar experiences, if you continue to have these problems, please go see a specialist for the sake of your health and well-being.

Been there. :[ Those pains get ******* intense.