By handi-crap - 05/01/2010 17:28 - United States

Today, I had a promo code for a free Redbox movie. Since I knew exactly which movie I wanted, I parked in a handicapped space because it was super close and I was cold. I didn't think anyone would notice, but apparently the cop that parked beside my car did. My free movie cost me $100. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 007
You deserved it 78 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course it was super close. Handicapped people generally can't get around very well. F their lives if they had to park in a far away normal space because you can't handle twelve seconds of cold.


You deserved it. Nothing else to say, really.


megdwhite 0

YDI. wow. too bad it was only a cop. You deserved to have your car keyed at the very least.

I think this guy should be allowed to park in a handicapped space for doing something so retarded! :3

I live in Alaska and park far and walk when it's -20 below and windy cuz I'm not a whiney bitch you deserved that

ironwolf56 5

On the one hand: walk your lazy ass the few extra feet next time. On the other hand: I've seen plenty of times a full parking lot with 30 empty handicapped spots in it.

likeomgwhat 0

You deserved that shit, it dosnt matter if it was cold outside its common sence not to park in a handicapped space

You deserved it if someone who genuinely needed the space had to park farther away. I know plenty of people with those handicap tags that have no actual need to be closer to the destination. Most of them are just obese from lack of exercise and addiction to food.

thats a really expansive free movie! ;)

You are a lazy, ignorant sack of shit. You deserve every penny of that fine and probably more. At least LEARN your lesson ffs...