By handi-crap - 05/01/2010 17:28 - United States

Today, I had a promo code for a free Redbox movie. Since I knew exactly which movie I wanted, I parked in a handicapped space because it was super close and I was cold. I didn't think anyone would notice, but apparently the cop that parked beside my car did. My free movie cost me $100. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 007
You deserved it 78 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course it was super close. Handicapped people generally can't get around very well. F their lives if they had to park in a far away normal space because you can't handle twelve seconds of cold.


You deserved it. Nothing else to say, really.


DUMBASS. YDI totally. Next time park in the regular parking spot. Serves you right.

SarahMarie83 0

#140: It's $250 where I live in Illinois. Sadly enough, that's still not high enough to keep inconsiderate assholes from taking the spots. I think it should be a minimum of $5000 and a license suspension.

**** u for parking in a handiccaped space. that's rude and selfish

To whoever said that about being able to navigate around big malls and such, you see, the thing with having the ability to do that, is that once inside, there are usually chairs or benches scattered about. Or hell, a person can sit on the floor if need be! Can't very well just sit down in the parking lot, can you? lol Handicapped people don't drive? Oopsie! I've been handicapped my whole life and been driving for 11 years now! I want to know where the handicapped spots are always open? I rarely just pull in to a parking lot and find one open. All too often, I go park at the other end of the lot, b/c I have to have room to let my ramp down and get my wheelchair off of it.

nica73 0

You TOTALLY deserve it. Leave the handicapped spaces for the handicapped and be THANKFUL you're able to walk to your destinations without any difficulty.

axelkg 0

@WTFisthiscrap, you can just as easily sit on the ground of a parking lot as you can sit on the floor of a store. Also, I'm willing to bet money that you're not actually handicapped.

I hope you break your effing spine. Maybe then you'd see why people with disabilities need special parking spaces. Not only is it closer to the entrance, but it's larger than non-reserved parking spaces (as people who use wheelchairs need that extra space). And many disabled people (such as polio survivors) are much more sensitive to cold than you probably are. So get over your sense of entitlement to things you don't actually deserve whatsoever. Axelkg, I hope you know that disabled people aren't mythical creatures and we actually can type comments on the Internet. Just like you! How amazing. Idiots.

I do not think polio survivors drive.

Explain why I drive, then. Also, your reply is a non sequitur. I never said polio survivors drive; even if it's absolutely impossible for us, can't we have other loved ones to drive us?

Not everone's a ******** like you, Farside. You're thinking of what YOU'd do.

you stupid jerk people need those spots. my dad has to park there cause he cant walk good, you only parked there cause u were cold?!?!?! you lazy retart. how selfish can you be? what do u steal candy from children to?

jonesin4music 1

Wow, I'm really surprised at all the backlash this person is getting. I wish I could cast stones.