By Anonymous - 04/11/2010 09:18 - United States

Today, I had a job interview. When I got there, the lady interviewing me shook my hand and said, 'Hello, I'm gay.' I found this strange and I didn't know what to say, so I stated, 'Aw, it's OK, I support you.' She looked pretty offended, and I realized why when I found out that her name was Gaye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 846
You deserved it 18 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ItsEdible 0

I would've been confused too OP.

starberries 0

You'd think someone named Gaye would be used to that reaction by now, and would introduce herself as "Gaye Smith", or "My name is Gaye. "


@45 well I didn't and OP didn't either


I moderated this! I'm so proud. :') ....anyways, I have to agree with the half billion of people that thinks you shouldn't expect her to come out of the closet just for you. :P You self-center *****!

TitDirt 0

Well at least it wasn't a baby...

This is a situation where it's always safe to respond, "Hi, nice to meet you! I'm _____."

TitDirt 0

Your name is "_____"? Well that's just odd.

They were named after Santa's reindeer.

that is almost as funny as my co-workers response to a farewell from a customer it went like this: customer "peace in the middle east." my co-worker "you too..." I've never laughed so hard in my life and to this day if I'm feeling down that comes to mind and leaves me in stitches.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Was this a a Wal mart? My managers name is Gaye. When I first started working there, I was confuse lol

It was an honest mistake and at least you had a positive comment! :)

Obecny75 0

Im calling fake on this one. No one is going to start a job interview with stating their sexual orientation. Plus the OP's response of "aww, its ok, I support you" seems childish and rude. and if this IS real OP is just a dumbass.