By Anonymous - 04/11/2010 09:18 - United States

Today, I had a job interview. When I got there, the lady interviewing me shook my hand and said, 'Hello, I'm gay.' I found this strange and I didn't know what to say, so I stated, 'Aw, it's OK, I support you.' She looked pretty offended, and I realized why when I found out that her name was Gaye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 846
You deserved it 18 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ItsEdible 0

I would've been confused too OP.

starberries 0

You'd think someone named Gaye would be used to that reaction by now, and would introduce herself as "Gaye Smith", or "My name is Gaye. "


zebrapattern 6

that's what you get for not knowing your interviewers name.

that is an unfortunate name. she shouldn't get offended

well this is really confusing how can you support her when she's clearly female? just say I'm happy and I've lots of female friends

iheartbreak 8

she could have said hi, my name is gaye. not hi i'm gaye. that would help this prevent this

it's completely her fault. after presumably years of receiving similar responses, one would have thought to rephrase her introduction to, "hi, my name is gaye," or something similar. how the **** is someone supposed to respond to that? also, i do believe that her parents are also partially to blame, considering the use of "gay" as a reference to "homosexual" has been around quite a while. as a surname, it's fine, but you're crossing dangerous territorial waters with this. see the fml where the op called her daughter "mckinley." |the kid|

a simple, "hello, my name is gaye" wouldve worked

yaysmile 0

My friend's mom's first name is Anita and her middle name is Gaye but all throughout high school she went by Gaye.